Client Tax Organizers (“organizers”) are mailed out during the first week of January. Your organizer will assist you in gathering the information necessary for us to prepare your 2024 individual income tax returns. A completed organizer will decrease the time that we incur organizing your income tax information, which minimizes the cost of preparing your income tax returns.
If we prepared your 2023 tax return and you do not receive your 2024 organizer, please call us at (480) 663-6012. If you are a new client, please go to the Tax Organizer section below for a blank organizer.
An engagement letter and an Auto, Travel and Meals disclosure statement are included below. The engagement letter must be signed, dated and returned along with your tax information. If you are claiming deductions for auto, travel or meals, the disclosure statement must be completed and signed as well.
Please do not delay in getting us your information. If you provide us the information after March 8th, we’ll likely need to file an extension for you. The reason is turnaround time during tax season is approximately 4 weeks and the last week before April 15th we are focusing on extensions. Keep in mind an extension provides more time to file but not more time to pay any tax owed. If you need help with an extension payment calculation, you’ll need to provide information early enough for us to do so. If you aren’t interested in extending your tax return, please plan accordingly.
Unless you feel it is necessary to meet to review your income tax information, please drop off or mail us the organizer and related tax information (W-2’s, 1098’s, 1099’s, etc.). If you would like to meet first to discuss your tax information, please call us to schedule an appointment. Please note that we cannot take any appointments after March 8th, as we’ll be focusing on the tax deadline.
We would prefer to receive your information as early as possible. This leaves time not only to request additional information when necessary, but also to evaluate, in greater depth, any alternative reporting possibilities that could lead to minimizing your total tax liability. If all that is missing is a brokerage statement, Schedule K-1, Form 1099, etc., please do not delay in providing us with the rest of the information that you have. You can provide the missing information as it becomes available. As always, we manage our workflow by preparing tax returns on a first-in first-out basis.
We are certainly pleased to serve you and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Michael S. Patinella, P.L.L.C.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (480) 663-6012
- Fax: (480) 361-6204
- 7025 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 115
Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Map It
The Organizer
Client Tax Organizers (“organizers”) are mailed out during the first week of January. Your organizer will assist you in gathering the information necessary for us to prepare your 2024 individual income tax returns. A completed organizer will decrease the time that we incur organizing your income tax information, which minimizes the cost of preparing your income tax returns.
If we prepared your 2023 tax return and you do not receive your 2024 organizer, please call us at (480) 663-6012. If you are a new client, please go to the Tax Organizer section below for a blank organizer.
2024 Client Tax OrganizerEngagement Letters
The Engagement Letters confirms the arrangement for our income tax services. The engagement letter should be signed, dated and returned along with your tax information.
2024 Engagement LettersAuto, Travel and Meals
The Auto, Travel and Meals Disclosure Checklist if you are claiming deductions for automobile, travel, or meals, this disclosure statement must be completed, signed and dated.
2024 Auto, Travel and Meals Disclosure Checklist